From center:
4 campsites: Camp # 1- Go out the 280 degree line 437.5 ft and place a marker
Go out the 288 degree line for 462.5 feet and place your marker, # 1 camp between these bearing points
Camp #2
Go out the 238 degree bearing line 412.5 feet place marker
Go out the 228 degree line 425 feet to marker, camp sits between these two bearing points.
Camp #3
Go out the 150 degree line for 250 feet and place a marker
Go out the 163 degree line for 212.5 feet and place a marker, camp sits between these two points
The fourth campsite is the main camp and is on a bearing in the Northeast
The Church patio runs from 212.5 feet on the 135 degree line over to 150 ft. on the 108 degree line
The depth of the church patio is to the 250 foot mark on the 125 degree line
Water is falling over a cavern of gold @ 350 feet on 100 degree line
It runs to 312.5 feet on the 58 degree line
There are 3 mines in the area
Mine: #1
Is on the 139 degree line @ 275 feet
It runs to the 300 foot mark on the 145 degree line
Mine: #2
Is on the 315 degree line @ 350 ft mark
It runs to 412.5 feet on the 320 degree line
Mine: #3
This mine begins @ 150 feet on the 58 degree line and runs to 112.5 feet on the 44 degree line
Center of the site is on the 55 degree line
There are 2 caves on site
Cave: # 1
This cave or void is on the 169 degree line @ 337.5 feet from center
It runs to the 287.5 foot mark on the 158 degree line
Cave: # 2
Go 250 feet on the 66 degree line and place a marker
Go 225 feet on 85 degrees and place another marker, your cave or void runs between these two bearings
There is a cavern of gold # 2 @ 250 feet on the 265 degree line from center
It runs to 237.5 feet on the 288 degree line next to a low flat plain
There is a smelter located on the 211 degree bearing line @ 450 feet
It runs to the 219 degree bearing line @ 400 feet
There is a triangle that you must look closely for in the area that runs from center on 188 bearing line to 312.5 feet place a mark
From center on the 211 degree line go out to 212.5 feet and place a mark, this is the hidden triangle
Begins @ 237.5 feet on the 182 degree line and runs to 300 feet on the 169 degree line
The high point on the site South begins @ 412.5 feet on the 195 degree line and runs to 450 ft that bearing.
It also runs from 375 feet to 400 feet on the 207 degree bearing line
There is a high point in the NE @ 412.5 feet on the 75 degree line
It runs to 412.5 feet on the 44 degree line
There is a narrow pass or gorge with water running through it that begins @ 400 feet on 343 degrees
It runs to 250 feet on the 325 degree line
There is a low flat plain area that runs@ 212.5 feet from center on the 315 degree line
It runs to 250 feet from center on the 287 degree line
There is another flat plain area that runs from 287.5 feet on the 235 degree line
It runs to 262.5 feet on the 219 degree line
The lowest point on the site begins in the NW @ 137.5 feet on the 288 degree line
It runs to 237.5 feet on the 307 degree line
The Northwest bearing point for reference is on the 315 degree line @ 1`12.5 feet from center
It ends 300 feet from center on the 315 degree line
There is a cavern of gold with water falling over the Gold; it begins @312.5 feet on the 58 degree line
It runs to 350 feet on the 100 degree line
There is a crater on the site that begins @ 287.5 feet on the 31 degree line
It runs to 262.5 feet on the 48 degree line
# 1 there is a large storage room that begins 175 feet from center on 20 degree line
This large storage room runs to 150 feet from center on the 360 degree line
# 2 there is another small storage room that begins @ 100 feet from center on the 15 degree line
This small storage room runs to 100 feet from center on the 360 degree line
# 3 there is another large storage room @ 325 feet from center on the 265 degree line
This large storage room runs to 325 feet on the 254 degree line
There are also four large 7s in the gorge on the walls of the canyon that mark the campsites
All this information is translated from ancient Latin to the English Language