The following links are supplied as additional resources to our web visitors. In addition, we also have a reference section which allows you to view various books and link to to purchase them online.
Web Links
- Diving the Shipwrecks of Vancouver Island, Canada
- Early 20th Century Canadian Steamer Roberval Discovered in Lake Ontario
- Wrecks in USA & Canada
- Civil Disobedience Wreck Diving
- Researching Canadian Shipwrecks
- Sunken 19th century British ship discovered in Arctic waters off Canada
- Shipwrecks, Collisions and Accidents in St. Lawrence/Great Lakes Waterway, 1848-1900
- Sunken Ships/Shipwrecks
- World’s most beautiful shipwreck: Haunting hull of Sweepstakes lies just TWENTY FEET below clear blue water of Ontario lake where it sank in 1885
Click the above to review and purchase various books used to find and learn about hidden treasures around the world.