How to find a Spanish Gold Mine

by Jul 2, 2020Spanish Gold Mine2 comments

How to find a Spanish Gold Mine. The Spanish used the mask to show that something was hidden and it would be carved into stone. Once we located this mask we realized it was sending us South to search for stone symbols telling us about a Gold mine and its location. We were walking along the Appalachian Trail at the time so it would be necessary to follow the nearest water source down the mountain checking for symbol stones but Russ decided to find a place for a beer supply and a way he could drive along the bottom of the mountain. I was OK with that as long as he could spot some of the symbol stones I told him to be aware of. He spotted the warning symbol right off the bat, a big dog.

We went South looking for other symbol stones and discovered the beginning symbol to the Gold mining site, a large dog stone that looked like the head of a bull dog. The Spanish used the dog as a symbol for a guard dog. It’s meaning was that this was a Royal Spanish Gold mining site and it was protected with death traps marked with the dog symbol. Notice the head in the water with sunglasses on its face, this represents a mask for something hidden. The Spanish were terrific artists in stone and on the landmass and were capable of creating any image to impress upon the viewer what they wanted to say.

This is the bulldog stone from a distance and behind it sits a pigeon stone. When you begin this search you must view the total area around a symbol including in the water for subtle directions to your next set of symbols.The basic premise was a map was being created, find all the symbol stones which were map points and read the information included with them and you will be able to find the Gold mine. The locating and explaining of all the symbolism is so intense and frustrating at times that it will need numerous marked photos to show you how they hid the information.

This symbol stone was just West of the Pigeon and dog stone and contained well hidden information that told us to keep an eye out for a saddle.

We finally found the saddle stone at the junction of the two creeks to the West of the dog, We had discovered a small stone earlier that had told us to watch out for a saddle as we went along. One creek called Blood creek ran from the North and the other called Dicks creek ran from the West. The saddle was pointed SW in front and NE at the back of the saddle and was placed in the NW corner of Dicks creek where it met Blood mountain creek. Now we were in the map area of the Gold mine and discovered numerous other symbol stones which we will show you here.

We also discovered a date of 1557 on a stone and info about Indians and sickness which was represented by a black horse coming from the North. But I think the date was for when the mine was first discovered. There may have been information here about the mining operations over the years that I missed seeing. The saddle represents the Royal Road which was the only way treasure was allowed to be removed from the area for the King on pain of death. It was usually the most secure route with lots of areas of good defense should they be attacked. this was not the only date we ran into so they were telling a whole story here that you had to put together with the dates. They also had 1699 and a tale of several Indian bands at war with each other. Then they mention 1715 and show a lot of people walking along a large skull, Adrienne thinks they are referring to a shipwreck and the dead. As I read it I think she may be right. They refer to the King of the Appalachian Indians allowing people to come in and stay at his camp but many of them are very sick.

We discovered the # 1 campsite on the South side before we hit the junction of the creeks travelling West. It was loaded with a lot of symbolism and showed a 7 for campsite and Gold. It was very distinctive and stood out from a distance with all its symbols. It also had the 7 standing on a birds beak which represents a change of direction at this point, a heart was concealed to the right of the 7 on the chair which represents campsite with numerous other symbols so we knew this was a very important camp. We still had not reached the junction of the streams yet and planned on going North on Blood creek first and then coming back to inspect Dicks creek to the West. (campsite # 1) The 7 is actually a right hand holding a white bar which is a symbol for five and the right hand is an oath: As God is my witness this is the truth!

As we traveled North from the junction of the two creeks and the saddle stone up Blood mountain creek only about 75 feet we came across a symbol stone I had seen many times only much smaller. We call it the egg stone and the Spanish used it to represent a nest egg for money they could access very quickly on a site in case of emergency without going into the mine. I had seen this symbol on other mine sites and many shipwreck sites only much smaller and slightly larger than a real egg. I would need to wait for a while to understand why this egg stone was so large. Possibly because it was the first Royal mine site in the New World they intended to use it for all of the prospecting crews that they sent to the new land that would need any additional funds once they were there. It was to be used as the Crowns bank in the New World. It’s a very large stash of ready cash and may have been meant for other expeditions. I cannot find any evidence of an unlocked site so the reason for keeping it locked up intrigues me.
They were showing that not only Gold had been discovered but they had also found Black Diamonds while mining for Gold. They also show that the amount of Silver was much greater than the amount of Gold per ton of ore.

About 150 feet from the egg stone in Blood mountain creek we discovered the Boar stone which represents a soldier guard that comes crashing out of the bush to kill anyone messing with a Gold mine site. There is such a tremendous amount of symbolism associated with this symbol stone that it will require many hours of study to understand it all. The stone just behind it that is round represents a tunnel and has a 5 with a 3 at the bottom and a bar beside it for 5 as well so they are telling you to go to the 355 degrees. The coloration below it is Gold but hard to see.

About 75 ft North of the Boar stone beside Blood mountain creek on the trail we found another chair beside a large pool of water just below the waterfall. It looked like the perfect place for a crew to clean up after a hard dirty days work underground. The chair was very well disguised and looked like a head stone from the creek direction and only took on the chair look from the trail direction because of the angle. (campsite 2)

At this point we took direction from the symbolism on the chair stone and went across the creek to the NE and discovered a well hidden dry creek bed with another hidden chair for a campsite at this spot which I was thinking set up a triangle with the three camps. This one was on the 70 degrees and the dry creek bed had been filled in with lots of small river worn boulders and covered with leaves and brush, it was about 4 ft wide and dropped off a small cliff to run into Blood mountain creek on the 250 degrees. I felt this creek must have been a source for Gold at some point and they changed the direction of the water flow to make it dry up so they could work it. All of a sudden we began running into lots of other symbol stones as we began to understand what the Spanish were trying to tell us about this mining site. (campsite 3)

In the same area as campsite # 3 we also found several other symbol stones and this one is the most important of all because it told us where they had hidden the tools to get back into the Gold mine and the tools would also tell us how many and what type of death traps were involved in the re-opening project. But there were some surprises here as well. This was the skull stone telling you that anyone that disturbed this location would be killed with the numerous death traps. It also showed not one but two different tool room locations. The two lines you see on the left top of the stone are the handle to a wrench which has it’s mouth up front where the leaves are. This is the symbol for tools and the tool rooms location.

Once we started working with the skull stone they kept telling us with symbolism to go back on the 70 deg line from the dry creek chair which would be the 250 deg line and it runs down thru the area of the egg stone. What a surprise we got here. It took us to a very large shelter stone which is very famous in symbolism circles for a place to hide treasure. We found they had back filled a tunnel they had dug under the shelter stone. This stone seemed to be the main talking board with tons of symbols added to it and the surrounding area. I also noted that it was a large death trap and had other small traps associated with it so we needed to be very careful. This first photo is a distance shot. Next is a closeup and then a distance shot which shows a gravestone in front of the shelter, John is shown in the last photo under the shelter. I knew we had the main map stone with this one because the symbolism here was sending us in multiple directions to visit other areas with directional symbol stones. We were going to be in this area for quite a while studying this important information to locate the gold mine entrance. Notice the white C which is the nose area on a face the stone represents. There is also a 7 and a 15 with a degree mark on the side of the stone which stood for a camp on the 15 degrees to the left of this stone E where we found a large Heart stone which stands for Gold. Positive identification of a Gold mine!

This gravestone that was right in front of the shelter stone had a lot of symbolism on it. First the fact that it was shaped like a gravestone meant that they were telling you there was a death trap at this location. I think it was signifying several death traps, two under the shelter stone and the gravestone itself held one. It was meant for their own people to have quick access to the main tunnel system once they had deactivated the main trap. They show you a woman on the front of the stone blowing air out of her mouth to tell you this is just an air vent entrance but it will take you to the main tunnel system, Once you have enlarged the photo and can see the woman with her mouth open blowing air to the East. You will see additional symbols if you study the image. Then when the image has been reduced you will see a lot more symbols that you must make note of. The Spanish mappers were very proficient at creating images that could only be seen from a distance with a scope and also creating images that could only be seen up close. Their skill in Botany as well is something that should be noted and studied. Always study closely stones that have a lot of white color on them.
For those of you who have been following what I have been doing with all these stones, I’m going to do a recap of all the information.
Many centuries ago the Spanish created a method of writing on the landscape on rocks and trees. These amazing stone mason’s had such artistic talents and were capable of creating a map or silent movie on the landscape. Before people began to understand what the Spanish were doing it was often misunderstood as Magic. They learned how to create images in the landscape that could only be seen from a great distance with a telescope. They also learned how to blend other images with each other so they could only be seen up close. They became the masters of hiding something in plain sight! That was their magic! With a few other added tricks they were able to disguise and hide all their Silver and Gold discoveries in the wilderness.
POST 1. They would create a mask in stone to tell their people with symbolism that there was something hidden in the area. They had a method of creating a trail in the wilderness that only their people would understand. It would take them to any finds that had been made of rich minerals such as Silver or Gold. They created a system of symbols to tell their people of the proper trail to follow and any traps they installed at the mine to keep others from finding their Gold, they also had symbols for other things such as water, Indians, food etc,etc.
Always look for the mask first and because they used the dog for the guard and death trap keep your eye peeled for this symbol.
This is the large Heart stone we discovered about a 100 ft to the East of the Shelter stone and it could only be viewed as you were approaching it from the South. On the North side underneath the stone it had a stone in the shape of a foot or boot walking in the direction of the East. It looked as if it was there to keep the Heart stone from falling over in the North direction. There are multiple death trap symbols in the surrounding area of the shelter stone and we will post some of these stone symbols next.
 This is a double dog symbol(Death trap symbol) that shows a big dog biting the throat of a small dog to tell you that if you avoid the small death trap that has been set here there is a large dog (Death trap) right above it. This symbol is just to the right side W of the shelter stone. I don’t know how Russ managed to miss tripping this big one.
Also in this same area is this large slider stone with a dog head carved on the front to tell you not to try digging at the entrance to the tunnel system down the hill because you will trigger this stone to slide down and kill anyone in the area of the entrance.
There are numerous symbols in this area to tell you how to get into the tunnel system safely. Here is one we call One Eyed Jack which when viewed properly shows you a heart on the front and a 50 to say that fifty feet away is a safe entrance. Once you begin to understand this type of symbolism and read what they are saying with each piece you are well on your way to discovering the many hundreds of Gold and Silver mines the Spanish were hiding in the New World during their 350 year occupation. This system was only used on Royal mines that had so much mineral content that it would possibly go on forever. Ordinary small finds of Gold or Silver were not recorded for the Crown and all the owners had to do was to pay the Royal taxes once it was converted to coin or shipped to Spain.
Another safe entrance symbol stone. You still have to deactivate a trap to get into these areas but it usually is pretty simple to do without getting killed. This one is a simple Roman numeral for L and tells you to go fifty feet for a safe entrance. There are many more on this mapping system.
This one is in the same area W on Dicks creek as One eyed Jack. It’s a heart pointed into the ground and it has some interesting symbols to the left of it and all around the heart area. The main goal here is to figure out where the Center of the site is located and I’ve determined that it is located about 20 feet West of the shelter stone. This is the second heart stone that we have located and everything is on the South end of the 270 degree line.
Now as we continue on West along the side of Dicks creek this is what we found on the North bank of the creek, Another very large heart stone pointing down into the ground with an arrow to the East of it pointing across the creek in a South easterly direction. Once we found this third large heart we decided to go back to the second heart in the ground and take a look at a really interesting symbol that was located on the left side pointing South. The next symbol is that one.
This was located at the second heart in the ground pointing South. It’s a finger pointing South and a finger usually has a meaning of twenty so the whole hand would be 100 and I think it could be used both for distance or a compass bearing. So this one may be telling us to go 20 degrees South or SE. Half way up from the bottom this had a symbol of a miner bending over to the East looking into the bush and I think this is for the location of the tool room and you had to enter and get the tools and then come back over your path and turn to the South and enter this mine. I’ve encountered this symbol before in the Western USA. I will post another photo of this that is marked with the miner in a box and you can see the mine entrance to the South of him on the right. Notice the 17 that the miner is standing on. Also notice just right of the finger tip an A pointing left to a 7 so it may be telling us there is another hidden campsite at this location on the 20 degrees or 20 feet from the bottom.
After spending some time on the study of these symbols we continued on walking West beside the creek and encountered another very large Heart stone with a stone that looked like a tunnel beside it in the water which I think represents a tunnel death trap protected by water. The bottom of the heart was also shaped into a dog head to tell you that area was trapped as well. Just opposite the stone N was a small waterfall in the creek which showed a small Gold brick to tell you two things. One was the size of the Gold bricks they were forging in this mine. The other was the direction the Gold vein was traveling. At this point I decided that we were not looking for one Gold mine but we had evidence of four separate Gold mines at this location in different areas. One of the mines was high grade Silver ore with Gold content. They were showing us the direction the Gold vein was running. From the South side of the creek in the West at this location. Then it ran across the creek and down the North side of the creek to the Third mine location. Then follow the arrow across the creek to the South side again to the second Mine. Then you go along the South side of the creek to the location of the first Gold mine. See untitled album below for these photos related to the large heart stone in the West along Dicks creek. There are many more stone symbols which we will show you as we go along. Stay tuned! and watch the videos carefully for clues as to where Russ is located and what he’s missing. I don’t know how he managed to escape without getting caught in that big death trap while he was underground but he did show me the material the Spanish were using to keep the death trap in place so you wouldn’t notice it. A soft volcanic rock called Tufa that hardens after exposure to air and just looks like hard clay. Russ chopped out a piece under the shelter stone and showed me how he could crumble it in his hand so the minute it got wet it would disintegrate and they had set up a trip stone that would re-direct a small stream of water under the back end of the stone while you were under there. But as luck would have it Russ missed the trip stone because he got thirsty for another budwiser.
Well I think I’m going to stop all this as there doesn’t seem to be any interest. I’ll probably put it all together at another time if I hear of any people who are interested.