Deep Run Silver

by | Aug 7, 2017 | Treasure Stories | 0 comments

There is a long standing legend of an Indian silver mine and cache of silver ingots being hidden in the area of Deep Run, Pennsylvania. This location is almost exactly on the state line of Pennsylvania and Maryland. However, most people believe the mine and cache to be within Adams County, Pennsylvania. The location and events covering this site were described in papers over 100 years ago.

The story goes that a German silversmith named Ahrwud was allowed to work a mine owned by local Indians. When Ahrwud’s daughter betrayed the Indians’ trust by stealing silver items from the mine, father, daughter and mine vanished. The papers mention a stream and a large flat rock. Steps underground are mentioned, with the cryptic notation that they “should not be mistaken for nature’s opening.”

The location is approximately one and one half miles out of Union Mills, at the base of a hill.